We want to influence changes in the thinking of young people regarding the widely understood marine environment. No matter where you live, you have a real impact on what is happening in the seas and oceans around the world. To effectively change the way we act, we need to change the way we think. And there is only one way to do this: reliable information, modern education, good behavior patterns and joint action for the benefit of the seas and the ocean, because WE ALL LIVE BY THE SEA.

Project I live by the Sea Ocean Action is dedicated to young learners of ages 9-18, who want to expand their knowledge regarding the ocean. Together with you, we want to create a society that is open to mutual exchange of thoughts and experiences, whose representatives want to actively change our natural environment for the better, where citizens make informed decisions based on the best scientific knowledge. With our project, the center of which is the wellbeing of the ocean, we want to contribute to the establishment of a modern society that operates based on the philosophy of sustainable development.

We believe that modern education, addressed to all societal groups, regardless of age and gender, is the key to developing proper environmental attitudes. We share a passion for transferring knowledge and an openness to mutual assimilation of the knowledge that each of us carries inside. We want the participants of the project to co-create it with us, because we know that together we can do much more!


Our goal is to build a community whose representatives recognize the sense of implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with particular emphasis on issues related to the seas and oceans, as well as building an Ocean Literate community that understands how the ocean affects our lives and what impact we have on the ocean. Our specific objectives include:

  • Understanding the various human activities and their impact on the marine ecosystem.

  • Developing awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals and concepts of Ocean Literacy. 

  • Demonstrating that by acting locally you may have an impact on global changes.

  • Shaping the ability to cooperate and jointly create pro-environmental actions/campaigns.

  • Planning and organizing actions by groups at school or in the local community to raise awareness of the dangers of climate and ocean changes.

  • Exchange of information, good practices and lessons learnt from undertaken actions during the International Youth Conference Where the World is Heading, which is organized to close each project edition.


  • You will increase your awareness about the need to follow the principles of sustainable development. 

  • You will broaden your knowledge and interests related to the protection of seas and oceans.

  • You will implement sustainable development practices in your daily activities.

  • You will develop organizational, creative and collaborative skills.


Participants are divided into groups of 4. In the first phase of the workshop, participants will listen to short lectures on climate change, the role of the oceans in this process, and the state of the marine environment. Then, each group prepares an action, a series of activities, or a promotional event, the aim of which will be to raise the awareness of a selected group of recipients or the society on issues related to activities aimed at mitigating the effects of adverse changes in the marine environment and / or to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The groups will prepare titles for their projects, acronyms, slogans and in the last phase of the workshop they will present the results of their work to the general forum of workshop participants.


We will award the most interesting ideas at the International Youth Conference entitled Where the world is heading, organized for participants. The conference will be held as part of the World Oceans Day on June 9, 2022. All participants will receive diplomas of participation in the conference.


If you are interested in joining, please send the application form to: office@todaywehave.com 

Application submission deadline: 15 March 2022, priority of entries counts.