I’m a Native American English speaker with a passion for translating. I grew up in a bilingual (Polish-American) environment, due to this, I was required to use both spoken languages which provided me with the basic skill necessary to perform precise and faithful translations. In addition to these natural skills, I also completed a Cambridge CELTA certificate (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), which gave me the possibility of teaching at a government school in Thailand. My experience as an English teacher further broadened my knowledge of the two languages, allowing me to translate texts more accurately. Over the years I have worked with scientists, universities, artists, businessmen, art critics, and many more. I have translated a variety of texts including scientific documents, literary analyses, biographies, plays, guide books, critical texts, and essays. Each translation widened my perspective on the world and improved my skill as a translator – teaching me how to convey the meaning of a text while at the same time preserving the style and form. As Günter Grass said: “Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.”