Results of the I live by the Sea International Youth Photo and Film Contest 2020.

It is my pleasure to present the winners of the I live by the Sea International Youth Photo and Film Contest 2020.
Before I do so, I would also like to congratulate all of the participants for their great work. Thank you very much to our partners work, the engagement of the jury, and of course, your great contributions!
Please enjoy the film and let’s all keep our fingers crossed so that your fantastic works will soon be able to be displayed in Lisbon during the UN conference.
And, as always, please remember our motto:
We all live by the sea. No matter how far from the sea you live!
Enjoy the movie with the results.
We selected the top films:
1. Autor: Melvin Yorick Coenen Kono, Age: 21 Title: Live by my Sea Country: Cameroon
2. Autor: Hanna Dmochowska Age: 15 Title: I Live by the Sea Country: Poland
3. Autor: Jakub Paluch Age: 14 Title: Marine Tre a sure Country: Poland
4. Autor: Desire Wainaina Age: 19 Title: Planet’s outcry Country: Kenya
Best stories and all information abouth the results of the Contest.
All participants' texts are original and not modified by the jury of the competition.
Dear Friends, Unfortunatelly, there is a mistake in the announcement of the I live by the Sea Contest results, for which we apologize.
The correct information for Julia Kobeszko is:
Julia Kobeszko, 16, What The Ocean Brings Me, USA
Considering the new circumstances related to the COVID-19 situation, we decided to open an I live by the Sea online Summer School. Starting the first week of July, we will organize a number of open webinars, dedicated to specific marine/climate issues.
The list of webinars will be provided in late June.
So, dear friends of the ocean, this edition of the contest is closed but our community is still active and please be with us during the summer and share the secrets of your sea with the rest of us!

I live by the Sea 2019 podczas Europejskich Dni Morza